Dumpster Contents Guide: What's Allowed in Your Swatara, PA, Rental Container

You should always know what you can (or cannot) place in a rental dumpster. Failure to comply with the rules can lead to the cancellation of your dumpster rental contract. Since municipal authorities also enforce their own rules regarding the items you place in your dumpster, you might be fined for violating the law. To avoid any misunderstanding, let’s take a quick look at what you can safely place in your rented dumpster.

  1. Demolition Debris

If you are in the middle of a major renovation project, you will inevitably end up with plenty of waste such as concrete, stone, drywall, brick, plywood, and tiles. All of these items can be disposed of conveniently and safely in a rented dumpster. In fact, this is the key reason many people rent a dumpster in the first place. However, you should keep weight limitations in mind since construction materials and masonry is quite heavy. 

  1. Wooden Furniture

Wooden furniture is almost universally acceptable trash that can be thrown into a dumpster. For example, cabinets, chairs, shelves, tables, and other furniture items. You can safely place all these things into your rented dumpster as long as they are made of wood. 

  1. Yard Waste

Junk from nature can be thrown into your rental dumpster. This includes sticks, twigs, dried leaves, storm debris, and other environmental trash. 

  1. Household Trash

Common household garbage is also perfectly acceptable and can be tossed in a dumpster as long as it is not composed of hazardous or banned materials. You can also throw outdoor junk like siding and shingles into your dumpster. 

  1. Small Household Appliances

Appliances that don’t contain dangerous gasses and fluids are suitable for disposal in a dumpster. These typically include coffee brewers, blenders, juicers, and toasters. 

However, HVAC units and ACs would need to be drained and purged before they can be placed in a dumpster. Some companies don’t allow heavy household appliances in their dumpsters. You should ask your service provider before you dispose of these items in your rented dumpster. 

  1. Electronic Items

Old computers and obsolete electronic devices are all considered acceptable waste items for landfills and dumpsters alike. However, do check and see if they can be recycled before throwing them away. 

  1. Alkaline Batteries

These items are now safe for disposal. This is largely due to the new manufacturing rules and guidelines that don’t allow mercury usage in batteries. 

  1. Empty Aerosol Cans

Keep in mind that even the smallest leftover amount of gas inside a pressurized aerosol can is capable of causing an explosion. That’s why you have to make sure that it's completely empty prior to disposal. You should check with your dumpster rental service provider before throwing your leftover cans into the dumpster. 

If you have any queries regarding Swatara, PA, dumpster rental, contact Dumpster on Demand. They will answer all your questions to your complete satisfaction. 


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